New Technology - A.A.C.T.- Allergy Clearing
technique to clear allergies to foods, chemicals &
environmental factors.
Have you gone to a restaurant, a family outing or a friend’s house for dinner and been exposed to a food you were allergic to? Then you had to deal with the headache, hot flash or pain? Every time you pass by someone wearing a perfume it sends you spinning? Finally, does it seem like you make progress and fall backwards for reasons you don’t understand? Then now is the time to handle all of it even if you have undergone other types of
allergy clearing in the past including NAET.
To take advantage of this opportunity you’ll have to undergo an initial evaluation. Following the evaluation, we’ll sit down and set out a program. As usual, discount packages to make the
treatment as affordable as possible are available.
One final note - accelerated allergy clearing
technology is used for the purpose of removing blocks that disable your body from being able to respond to high quality foods and whole food supplements. You’ll still be required to avoid processed foods including those that you are truly allergic to. However, each and every time you are exposed to some allergen or chemical it will not throw your system so easily into confusion. In other words, you’ll see your quality of life improve to a whole new level. And for those of you who feel you’re not improving or experiencing ups and downs despite doing everything you’re supposed to, this is your opportunity to blow through the stop. There is hope and
we can help. Really!